Writer of Songs and Nonsense
Welcome to our publisher's page for Margaret Wise Brown, beloved author of Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny, as well as hundreds more books, poems, and songs.
Explore her books, songs, and poems to rediscover an old treasure or find a new favorite. Get a glimpse into Margaret's bold life through her previously unpublished letters and manuscripts.
Brilliant, beautiful, and bold, she was a pioneer of children's literature. She has been called the Shakespeare of the sandbox set but she preferred to be known as a writer of songs and nonsense. Dig in. Learn about how she changed children's literature and why her books remain bestsellers more than 75 years after her death.

He and She
A new collection of love poems by Margaret Wise Brown. These touching and, at times, fraught poems provide a deeply personal look into Margaret's love life.
Available for purchase here.
To write for a child is to write for an artist. They are seeing this world for the first time.